On The Road

Well, after many “see ya laters”, packing, organizing, and multiple trips to the Goodwill drop-off, Jason and I hit the road. We were so sad to leave behind our favorite city this afternoon and there may have been a few tears shed. But I can’t tell you enough how wonderful it is to be on our way– no more packing, cleaning, or drinking wine out of plastic cups.

OK…… who am I kidding– I’ll probably still do that.

Being on the open road is refreshing. I haven’t been on a road trip since my brother helped me move out to Denver and I really craved this freedom of just driving. So we’re now on the way to Lincoln, Nebraska, where our room at the Four Seasons (or Horizon Inn.. same thing, right?) awaits us for the night. Our windshield has been splattered with bugs since we crossed the state line, it seems, and the smell of cow dung permeates the air. We’re appropriately listening to Brantley Gilbert singing about “kickin’ it in the sticks” and wondering how people live out here in the middle of nowhere. (…While I sip my coconut water and eat my Whole Foods’ sushi.) Downright country.

Our car is packed to the brim and I’m surprised we were able to fit everything besides a large canvas, our hangers, and a clothes drying rack, which I gladly gave to Goodwill. The first few hours of the drive I spent with my feet squished between my bag of road trip reads and our cooler of snacks, so I’m happy we somehow found a space for those behind the passenger seat, despite the risk of having a bunch of bananas fall on my head at any sudden stop.

I’m sure we’ll enjoy sleeping tonight since Jason had a busy last day at work and I ran around, spackling walls, running errands, and packing the remaining household items in the car. But we’re appreciating the peacefulness of our evening drive and the relief of open land after being in the condensed city.

Aug 30 2013 Emily Spaeth Category: Travel Updates

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  1. Long legs….

    09-15-2013, 5:19 am Reply

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